Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rock Star

Sophia is pretty much a rock star. She ate TWO ounces of cereal (which we haven't cleared with the pediatrician..shhh). If the girl wants to keep eating, I'm gonna let her! She was a bit fussy Tuesday night and we couldn't figure out why since she just ate. Well, mom instinct, and her tongue and mouth moving like crazy, indicated to me she wanted MORE! So she got, and ATE a whole other ounce on top of what she already ate! We have come to realize EVERYTHING is on her time frame. She will NOT eat from that bottle if SHE doesn't want to! Stubborn Girl...wonder where she gets it?

The Empty Evidence

Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Mother's Day

    Words can not express how much I enjoyed my day today. It started with an awesome breakfast made by Jeremy. Then he and little miss presented me with my gift and card (they went to Jareds!).After breakfast I cuddled with Sophia in our jammies for a little while. I laid with her and just was so thankful that she is here and how far she has come in one short month. I could not be happier to be her mother!
     We then went to celebrate with my mom. She is the woman who taught me what it means to be a mom. She  stayed up with me all hours of the night when I was a sick child. Years later she stayed with me throughout my entire two day labor and delivery! She stayed with me and supported me while Jeremy and Sophia had to go to Riley's. My mom has taught me unconditional love and I am so thankful to have her in my life.
My day started out with a breakfast skillet!

They went to Jared!

Sophia after shopping with Daddy!
Nana and Sophia

Mom, sister, Me, & the kids!

Enjoying a laugh

Mommy and Sophia
Beautiful Flowers from a friend

 Plant from Mom
     My day was amazing and I look forward to many more Mother's Days!